Sunday, November 30, 2008

it's easy to be muslim but still.....


1.You can spend an hour to get ready to work or school when you only need 5 minutes to perform SUBUH PRAYER.

2.It takes you 3 minutes to put on your shoes when you only need 2 seconds to GIVE SALAM.

3.You can spend almost 45 minutes for
lunch ,when you only need 15 minutes to perform ZOHOR PRAYER.

4.You can spend an hour on the phone or on the computer when 15 minutes is all it takes for 'ASR PRAYER.

5.You would sacrifices 2-3 hours of your time to watch a film in the movie theatre when with only 15 minutes you can gain much more by RECITING AL-QURAN.

6.You would spend time more than 30 minutes to get updated with the world by watching the news when MAGHRIB PRAYER only takes 7 minutes.

7.Sometimes arguments with your parents or wife can go on for 20 minutes when 2 seconds is all it takes to SMILE and GIVE SADAQAH.

8.You would spend time reading magazine for an hour or so when 5 minutes is all it takes to ponder upon A HADITH.

9.You would spend 40 minutes to set yourself to sleep when you only need 20 minutes for ISYA' PRAYER.

10.You can spend hours watching a late night
movie till 'The End' when you only need to spend at least 2 seconds to UTTER WORDS OF GRATEFULNESS TO ALMIGHTY ALLAH S.W.T.

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